Sometimes I like to have a YouTube video play in the background while I work. If my editor’s reading this, I’m not just slacking off writing. It helps me concentrate. I promise!

One vid that accompanied my writing for work recently was an episode of Finding Your Roots starring Larry David and Bernie Sanders.

It was pretty great seeing the similar backgrounds these two very famous dudes shared (very similar at one point). And also, it’s weird to see that even some of the older members of our population don’t have a very good sense of where they come from.

Check the episode out below.

One thing this episode confirmed to me: Henry Louis Gates Jr. and his team are absolute wizards at genealogy. Even if the people they’re researching don’t have the slightest idea of their ancestral background, you can bet your ass HLG is going to figure that shit out.

Gives me hope — and that’s what you need to get yourself through these genealogical walls.

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