So I’ve been keeping this under wraps for a while and feel like I should say it now: I’ve been invited to give a presentation on my journey to find my grandfather at the University of Iowa!

I was invited by evolutionary biologist and undergraduate director Prof. Bryant McAllister to speak to a student run DNA research group that he helped spearhead. The group is made up of mostly students and IC community members passionate about genetic genealogy.

As part of the trade off, I got to interview Prof. McAllister on his career, genetic research advice, and why genealogy will become the next astronomy. 

Information below about where to catch the presentation:

DATE: August 22, 2017 

TIME: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

WHERE: The Iowa City Public Library

123 S. Linn Street

Iowa City, IA 52240

WHAT: Seriously? Just look above.

I am beyond hyped for this opportunity you guys. Shit, I probably should get to work on my presentation…

…later. For now, let’s move our feet!!!

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