A picture of blue DNA, the most basic unit of life.

Step aside double helix. There’s a new DNA shape in town: the “i-motif.”

You read that right. The new DNA structure has recently been been discovered by scientists and looks like a knot of DNA.


Though scientists have theorized the existence of the “i-motif” before, it hasn’t been observed in living cells … that is, until recently.


“It’s exciting to uncover a whole new form of DNA in cells ,” says Professor Marcel Dinger, coleader of the study, “ and these findings will set the stage for a whole new push to understand what this new DNA shape is really for, and whether it will impact on health and disease.”

For now though, researchers are unsure as to what purpose the i-motif serves. One hypothesis theorizes that it helps with the “reading” of DNA sequences.

“This new research reminds us that totally different DNA structures exist — and could well be important for our cells,” says Professor Daniel Christ, another coleader of the study.

Dope. The team published their research in Nature Chemistry. Be sure to check it out.

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