One of my goals for April is to pitch to as many publications as I can. One of the places I pitched to was Genea-Musings, a very popular genealogy blog by Randy Seaver.

I’m super pumped for my first guest post and hope to do a bunch more in the future. 

I’ll keep y’all updated for when the posts go up — though it won’t be anything too new. I pitched my 5 steps to get started with genealogy piece. 

Still, how cool is that?

In the mean time, I’m working on a piece on sourcing I’m hoping to get up tomorrow or Friday at the latest, so keep your eyes peeled with that. It’s a fascinating subject that doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as it should. What sourcing boils down to is making sure the things you have on your family tree are verified with a paper trail.

That gives your findings legitimacy and can save you and others a LOT of headaches down the road. After all, there’s nothing worse than trusting your cousin’s tree only to find out they got a bunch of information wrong. By the time you realize it, you might have gone back several generations down the wrong path. Which means all your work would have been for nothing. 

It’s important stuff people. SOURCE YOUR FINDINGS. 

If you have any suggestions for other genealogy/ancestry blogs I should pitch to. Let me know! I’m always on the lookout for good places. 

Anyway, keep on the lookout. Hope to talk to you soon. 


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